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Right to request your data

Belga News Agency collects your activity in order to pay a fair share to the original publisher of the articles you are reading. This is often referred to as aggregated data and does not point to you as an individual. Belga News Agency does not, and will never share your individual reading behaviour or personal information to its shareholders.
If your account is paid for by a company or organisation, that company or organisation may request user information and reading activity at Belga News Agency, which Belga News Agency is obliged to provide.
The right of access, commonly referred to as subject access, gives individuals the right to obtain a copy of their personal data as well as other supplementary information. An individual is only entitled to their own personal data, and not to information relating to other people (unless the information is also about them or they are acting on behalf of someone).

You can request a copy by sending an email.

logo_belgapressBelga News Agency NV
Arduinkaai 29
1000 Brussel